Thursday, November 12, 2009

Single Sensor in Your Camera? Your next camera might benefit from this kind of research...

Future single-sensor cameras will surely be better at sampling all the light bands (red, green, blue) even through there is just one sensor. Ankit Jain is an electrical engineering graduate student at UC San Diego who is working on this issue.

Watch him give you a snapshot of the issue, in less than two minutes!

Ankit talked to me at last week's poster session for the Center for Wireless Communications (CWC) research review. I also talked to Cynthia Taylor "Will Starbucks Serve Servers? aka Thin-Client Computing with your Skinny Latte?"

Video Stabilization with Haleh Azartash

Mini-Robots on KPBS Radio

The ocean robots that Jorge Cortes is designing control systems for wound up on KPBS radio yesterday. This attention comes on the heels of a pair of NSF to the mechanical and aerospace engineers developing the control systems, and one to the Scripps Insititution of Oceanography researchers who are developing the drifting robots.

The thing to remember about these robots is that they can't really move forward or backward. They can move up and down, but to move horizontally, they are at the mercy of the ocean currents...kind of like the current in Finding Nemo.
Photo credit: Scripps Institution of Oceanography at UC San Diego.