Thursday, March 4, 2010

Non-volatile Memories Workshop 2010

Non-volatile Memories Workshop 2010

What: Non-volatile Memories Workshop 2010
Where: University of California, San Diego
When: April 11-13, 2010

The Center for Magnetic Recording Research, the Non-Volatile Systems Laboratory, and the California Institute for Telecommunications and Information Technology at UCSD will be hosting the first UCSD Non-Volatile Memories Workshop on April 11-13, 2010.

The workshop will bring together scientists and engineers from industry and academia who are working on advanced non-volatile storage devices and systems. The goal is to facilitate the exchange of ideas, insights, and knowledge within this broad community of practitioners and researchers, and to foster the establishment of new collaborations that can propel future progress in the design and application of non-volatile memories.

The program will take a “vertical” approach, with technical sessions that encompass solid-state and magnetic storage technologies; coding techniques for data integrity, preservation, and security; system-level storage architectures; and new applications enabled by advances in these areas.

Related: Check out this flash paper (below) from the Jacobs School:

Grupp, L., Caulfield, A.M., Coburn, J., Yaakobi, E., Swanson, S., Siegel, P., "Characterizing Flash Memory: Anomalies, Observations, and Applications" To appear in MICRO'09. (pdf) (Flash memory summit slides) (More information about our flash characterization project is available here.)

2010 Distinguished Educator Award of the IEEE Microwave Theory and Techniques Society

Congratulations to electrical and computer engineering (ECE) professor Gabriel Rebeiz. He received recipient of the 2010 Distinguished Educator Award of the IEEE Microwave Theory and Techniques Society (MTT-S).

This award is given to a distinguished educator in the field of microwave engineering and science who exemplifies the special human qualities of the late Fred J. Rosenbaum who considered teaching a high calling and demonstrated his dedication to the MTT-S through tireless service.

Prof. Rebeiz has been cited for his "Outstanding Achievements as an Educator, Mentor And Role Model of Microwave Engineers and Engineering Students".

The award will be conferred at the annual Society Awards Banquet to be held during the International Microwave Symposium the week of May 23 to 28, 2010 in Anaheim, California.
Read more about professor Rebeiz's work in press releases linked below: