Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Hack U is Coming to campus

The Hack is back! Yahoo is coming to UCSD for a week of tech talks and the famous 24 hour hack contest! All events in CSE 1202. (Read about Hack U 2010 on the Jacobs School news site.)

Tuesday, April 5
Hack U Kickoff / BBQ @ 6:00 pm

Wednesday, April 6
API Brain Jam + Lunch @ 12:00 pm
Douglas Crockford: Javascript - The Good Parts @ 6:00 pm

Thursday, April 7
Office Hours + Informal Talks @ 12:00 pm
24-hour Hack Kickoff @ 2:00 pm

Friday, April 8
Hack Demos @ 2 pm

UCSD Entrepreneur Challenge Spring Kickoff is Tomorrow, March 30

UC San Diego Entrepreneur Challenge
Wednesday March 30th, 6-8pm
UCSD Price Center - Ballroom A (map)
$17,500 in cash and prizes will be awarded
Jordan Greenhall, Founder of DivX, Inc. (bio)
Jason Pang, Founder and CEO of PRIMA Cinema (bio)