Monday, June 2, 2008

The Jacobs School was THIS close!!!

We were THIS close to grabbing some prize money in the 2nd Annual UCSD $50K Entrepreneurship Competition.

Bioengineers working on better multidrug combinations and electrical engineers working toward solar-powered personal electronics were the two Jacobs School finalists in the business plan competition that was held at Calit2’s Atkinson Hall on Saturday May 31 from 9:00 am to 2:00 pm.

But alas, the three other finalists placed above our finalists.

It's all good though. Before the competition, both teams told me that even if they didn't win any money, just getting to the finals was a big success because it forced them to fully think through their business plans. They also had the benefit of meeting with lots of seasoned entrepreneurs and venture capital folks.

Read all about the two great Jacobs School finalists here.

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